Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Week #10: The Finale

This is your last opportunity to start the year with an A++. Since summer vacation is almost over, I thought this week, we would do something more creative and open ended. How many words of at least 3 letters can you make using the letters in "summer vacation"? Points will be awarded based on how many words you come up with and spell correctly. Please submit your entire list at once.
Thank you to all those who participated in the summer blog, especially those who stuck with it week after week. I am looking forward to starting a whole new school year this Wednesday, August 18th.

Week #9 Answers

Everyone did fairly well on this past week's activity. Being able to spot unfinished sentences appears to be pretty easy for most of you. Here are the answers. Thanks to the 18 participants.

1. fragment
2. fragment
3. sentence
4. sentence
5. sentence
6. fragment
7. sentence
8. fragment
9. sentence
10. sentence
11. sentence
12. sentence
13. fragment
14. fragment

Tuesday, August 3, 2010


This week we're looking at sentences verses fragments. A sentence has both a subject and a predicate (verb). A fragment may have either a subject or a predicate or neither, but it doesn't have both. Read the following sentences and decide which ones are sentences and which ones are fragments. Each is worth .25 X 14 = 3.5.
1. Janelle, the girl with the red hair.

2. Is a great talent

3. Adelle took a peek at the bird's nest.

4. A quadrilateral is a four-sided shape.

5. Pamela likes to draw.

6. A dollar or more.

7. Goodness, that room is messy.

8. Have a pet frog.

9. You can order a book.

10. Larry handed in his assignment.

11. Sam walks.

12. Please fix the faucet.

13. The tiny little bird with the broken wing.

14. Fell asleep on the couch.

Week #8 Answers

First I want to apologize for a miscalculation. This activity was worth 3.75 points and not the original 3 points posted last week. All the points calculated via e-mail were done with the 3.75 total. Here are the answers:

1. adjective
2. adverb
3. adjective
4. adverb
5. adjective
6. adjective
7. adjective
8. adverb
9. adjective
10. adverb
11. adjective
12. adjective
13. adverb
14. adjective
15. adverb