Tuesday, August 12, 2014


Here are the answers to Week #8. This is also the final summer blog activity. You will receive your bonus points within the first few days of school. Enjoy what's left of summer vacation!
1. Logan,
2. Noah, ...brother,
3. summer,
4. principal, ... told,
5. Well,
6. lamp,
7. kitchen,
8. Quinn, however,
9. fruits, vegetables, and
10. homework,
11. her,
12. Ben, .... student,

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Week #8: Commas

Read each of the following sentences and place the comma or commas where necessary. Each is worth .25 making this final summer bonus activity worth 3 bonus points. 
1. "Logan come here right now!" he yelled.
2. Noah my younger brother has joined the debate team.
3. In the summer Angela enjoys playing outdoors.
4. The new principal I have been told is very nice.
5. Well what did you do at school today?
6. "I accidentally broke the lamp" Tom confessed to his mom.
7. On the wall near the kitchen a beautiful painting was displayed.
8. Quinn however has not completed the project yet.
9. A healthy diet includes fruits vegetables and plenty of water.
10. Because he forgot his homework he will not receive full credit for it.
11. He asked her "When is your birthday?"
12. Ben the new student arrived at school today.

Week #7 Answers

1. B
2. A
3. B
4. D
5. C
6. C
7. D
8. B
9. C
10. D