Tuesday, July 25, 2017


Directions: Remove one word from the scrambled letters and a second scrambled word will remain. Write each set of words. Each word is worth .2 X 20= 4 bonus points
1. TLNBYELTIFOUR - Remove a beautiful insect, and you have a large cat.
2. BRCRBRUATEBHE- Remove a man who cuts hair, and you have a man who cuts meat.
3. ABSRENOKIN- Remove a reptile, and you have a bird.
4. EETPPRTPOOPA- Remove a flavoring, but you still have something to eat.
5. GUIRDTNAPLE- Remove a flower, but you still have something pretty.
6. TRAAONRCNAAB- Remove a yellow fruit, and you will still have an orange vegetable.
7. ERLGUFEIRATFT- Remove a tall animal, and you have a short one.
8. TCTHCDSNEEINAIM- Remove a person who fixes teeth, and you have a person who fixes cars.
9. HROIKERECSSNOCT- Remove the alarm clock from the barnyard, and you still have what it wakes.
10. SRIULRGIVEELS- Remove these bodies of water from the earth, and you are left with the others.


1. fiery modifies sunset
2. silver-lined modifies clouds
3. rusty modifies boat
4. brilliant modifies skyline
5. rough modifies storm
6. recklessly modifies rode
7. cautiously modifies ride
8. later modifies leave
9. fast modifies coasting
10. completely modifies tired

Wednesday, July 19, 2017


This week is a review of adjectives and adverbs. Adjectives help to describe nouns and pronouns, like gorgeous dress. Adverbs help describe verbs, adjectives, and adverbs, like stepped outside. Below, you will find two sections: one with adjectives and the other with adverbs. Identify the ONE adjective or adverb in each sentence and then tell what word is being described. Each word is worth .15 making this week's challenge worth 3 bonus points. 
1. Did you see that fiery sunset yesterday at the beach?
2. All of the clouds were silver-lined in the moonlight.
3. A rusty boat floated on the water in the middle of the lake.
4. Birds flew across the brilliant skyline.
5. Unfortunately, a rough storm caused us to cut our vacation short.
6. The bicyclist rode recklessly down the bike path.
7. They had to ride cautiously over the rough terrain.
8. One rider had to leave later since he had a flat tire.
9. Many riders enjoyed coasting fast down the hills.
10. All of the bicyclists were completely tired after the long day.

Tuesday, July 18, 2017


Since this week was a writing week, there were no right or wrong answers. I enjoyed seeing everyone's pictures and reading the descriptions. Some made me jealous like Noah's Florida beach trip; others made me relaxed like Cheyenne's garden, Ella's Notre Dame dome, Ben's hike, and Tahjlyn's basketball court; finally, the rest reminded me of my own experiences like Brookelyn's swing set, Patrick's fort, Madeline's pool party, and Maddie's family trip.

Tuesday, July 11, 2017



It is time for a little writing. First, you will need to take a photo of some place. It can be outside or inside. Send me the photo and write a descriptive paragraph of at least 6 sentences describing the location. You will need a topic sentence, at least 4 body sentences, and a closing sentence. Below, you will find the point break down for the traits I will be grading. 
Ideas- 1 point- You should use as many of your 5 senses to describe your location.
Organization- 1 point- You will need a strong topic sentence, at least 4 body sentences, and a satisfying closing sentence.
Word Choice-  1 point- What would a descriptive paragraph be without strong words? Be sure to use at least 3 Warehouse Words (strong words).
Voice- 1 point- Be sure to explain why you chose to take a picture of the location and its significance to you.
Conventions- 1 point- Be sure to check for proper spelling, capitalization, punctuation, and grammar.


1. What is Karina’s job? A lifeguard
2. What is the setting of this story? Be specific. Lovina Beach, Bali
3. How does Karina feel about her job at the beginning of the story? What evidence makes you think this? She is bored. She feels it is repetitive, and she yawns to show her boredom.
4. What is the weather like? How do you know this? The weather is hot and humid. Karina wakes up sticky and sweaty. She uses a portable fan, and it says the temperature is rising.
5. Why does Karina have everyone get out of the water? Someone says there is a shark in the water.
6. What emotion is the author trying to convey when he says that Karina’s stomach “dropped”? She is nervous, worried, and scared.
7. What does Karina discover about the black dot? It is a dolphin.
8. Why is Karina so comfortable approaching the black dot? She is studying to be a marine biologist so she is familiar with the gentleness of dolphins.
9. What one warning does Karina give everyone when she allows them to go back into the water? Do not approach the dolphin.
10. Why do you think the author titled this story “A Surprise Visit”? Not only was it a surprise that it wasn't a shark, but it was also a surprise that it was a dolphin. Her normally repetitive job had a little more activity for once.

Tuesday, July 4, 2017


From ReadWorks.org
Karina woke up with the sun blasting through her shades. She groggily rolled over and looked at her clock, which read 6:30 a.m. She yawned and crawled out of bed, sticky and sweaty from the humid night. After lazily getting into her bathing suit and grabbing a ripe banana, she swung her backpack on her back and left the quiet house.
The walk to the beach took her half an hour, but it passed by quickly. Tropical birds kept her company, chirping hello from the lush green trees, while neighbors stretching on their front porches waved as Karina passed by. However, once she left her neighborhood and reached the entrance to the tourist resort, the atmosphere completely changed. She began to hear the faint clinking of silverware as the servers set up for breakfast. Early risers from the hotel strolled along the beach, taking pictures of the unforgettable sunrise. The resort was full all year, as Bali is a famous tourist destination—one island of many in the country of Indonesia, in Southeast Asia. Indonesia is located just below the Philippines and above Australia.
Many tourists come to Bali to surf, as the Indian Ocean provides the perfect waves for the sport. But Karina lived near Lovina Beach, famous for its dolphins. As she walked along the resort’s beach, she smiled to people she passed by. Just as the sun was rising above the horizon, she reached a small shack located to the right of the resort, where visitors could come and sign up for water sports, such as surfing or parasailing, where one dangles from a flying parachute connected to a boat as it drives over the water.
Karina dropped off her things, then ran back to the beach to her lifeguard chair. She climbed up and took her position for the day, where she would watch the resort’s guests frolic in the water and look out for any potential danger. Some days she would grow bored, watching the same people do the same things over and over again. The job was quite repetitive, but she received steady pay, something that allowed her to continue living on the beautiful island.
The sun climbed in the sky, and the temperature rapidly increased. Just as Karina turned on a small portable fan to cool herself, someone began yelling in the water. Karina immediately jumped off her chair and ran toward the shore. She soon realized the person was yelling “shark.” Her stomach dropped. She had never experienced a shark sighting before but knew that she should get everyone out of the water. Even though people were already swimming and running toward the sand, she began to pull people out of the water and assisted young children who couldn’t move quickly enough. All the while she kept her eyes on the blue waves but didn’t see any sign of a shark.
Once everyone was safely ashore, she grabbed her binoculars from her lifeguard’s chair and peered out over the water. Finally, she spotted a black dot moving around in the waves nearby. She giggled and breathed a sigh of relief. To everyone’s shock, she entered the water, slowly getting closer and closer to the dot. She stopped once she was a few feet away from the animal and waited. The black dot moved closer and closer to Karina, and she sank in the water to reach its level. All of a sudden, the animal lifted its snout and made a funny noise.
“It’s a dolphin!” one kid yelled from the beach. Karina gave the gentle animal a pat and swam back to the shore. She had plenty of experience with dolphins, as she was training to become a marine biologist. “It’s okay, everyone; she’s just a curious one,” she explained. “Please don’t approach her—but it’s all right to continue to swim.” Everyone laughed and ran back into the ocean.
Karina climbed onto her chair and looked out through her binoculars at the dolphin. This day was certainly not boring. In her mind, she thanked the animal for making a visit and hoped she had returned back to her family safely.
QUESTIONS- each worth .3 X 10= 3 points
1. What is Karina’s job?
2. What is the setting of this story? Be specific.
3. How does Karina feel about her job at the beginning of the story? What evidence makes you think this?
4. What is the weather like? How do you know this?
5. Why does Karina have everyone get out of the water?
6. What emotion is the author trying to convey when he says that Karina’s stomach “dropped”?
7. What does Karina discover about the black dot?
8. Why is Karina so comfortable approaching the black dot?
9. What one warning does Karina give everyone when she allows them to go back into the water?
10. Why do you think the author titled this story “A Surprise Visit”? 


1. Hancock
5. China
7. August
8. Circle
10. Jefferson
12. Turkey

1. Harvard
2. Malia
3. Picnics
4. Thirteen
6. Hot dogs
8. Congress
9. Key
11. Fireworks
12. Three