Each question is worth .15 making this activity worth 3 bonus points.
There are many different types of nouns.
Compound nouns- a combination of words either as one or more words that stands for a single person, place, or thing. example- peanut butter
Collective nouns- a word that stands for a group. example- class
Abstract- a noun that cannot be seen, felt, heard, smelled, or tasted
Concrete- a noun that can be seen, felt, heard, smelled, or tasted
Compound Nouns:
Find the compound noun in each sentence.
1. Baking soda is used a lot in cooking and baking.
2. Did you know that Pop Tarts can be incorporated in other
3. Add chocolate chips to any cookie to make it tastier.
4. If you are looking for a cheap and tasty cake, buy Betty
5. Even though the oven is the most common baking tool, you
can still use the stovetop as well.
Collective Nouns:
Find the collective noun in each sentence.
6. My basketball team is hosting a fundraiser for cancer on
7. Being a part of a club that participates in service projects means a lot to me.
8. Their Girl Scout
troop is selling candy bars to buy shoes for needy kids.
9. If you want to participate in making packages for the
army, be at the church by 5:00P.M.
10. The other day, Father Daryl asked the congregation to
donate money.
Abstract or
Concrete: Label each of the following as abstract (abs) or concrete
11. Apple _______
Bravery _______
Paragraph _______
14. Pencil _______
15. Talent _______
Family _______
Bicycle _______
18. Air _______
Anger _______
20. Lion _______