Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Week #8: Adjective or Adverb?

Adjectives are words that modify nouns and pronouns. They are describers, answering which one, what kind, or how many.

Adverbs are words that modify adjectives, verbs, or other adverbs. They are explainers, answering when, where, how, and to what extent.

Can you identify the underlined word in each sentence as an adjective or adverb? Each is worth .2 X 15 = 3 points.

1. That eerie sound in the basement creeped me out.
2. His very colorful shirt caused my eyes to hurt.
3. The chilly wind made me shiver with cold.
4. In order to get a license, you have to drive carefully.
5. She was so excited when she moved into her new, huge house.
6. Her hands were dirty from digging in the sandbox.
7. After walking around the amusement park all day, they were sweaty and tired.
8. I would say he is an extremely fast reader, since he finished that five hundred page book in one day.
9. The baby's droopy eyes showed he was tired.
10. When the music became too loud, the cops arrived at the party.
11. That movie was so fantastic, I want to see it a second time.
12. His lazy dog sprawled out on the floor.
13. We waited patiently in line to buy the tickets for the concert.
14. Since the ice cream was melty, it was sticky yet delicious.
15. They were so angry with each other, they hardly spoke a word.

Week #7 Answers

This must have been a tough one or many of you are busy with summer fun. We only had 13 participants. Thanks to those who took the challenge. Here are the answers.
1. C- stop
2. B - poem
3. D - premonition
4. C - Adorn
5. B - Active
6. A - Rough
7. B - Eliminate
8. D - Bridge
9. C - Respectful
10. B - Ocean

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Week #7: Analogies

An analogy shows the similarities between two items. They can be synonyms, antonyms, homophones, location, examples, objects/functions, and doer/action. Can you complete these analogies? Each is worth .2, making this activity worth 2 points.

1. towel is to dry as brake is to __________
A. wash B.break C. stop D. pull

2. ballad is to song as sonnet is to _________
A. cheer B. poem C. haiku D. scene

3. apparel is to clothing as warning is to ________
A. whisper B. ending C. cape D. premonition

4. letter is to communicate as necklace is to ________
A. bracelet B. message C. adorn D. neck wear

5. sociable is to antagonistic as dormant is to ________
A. doorway B. active C. charming D. sleepy

6. knew is to new as ruff is to ________
A. rough B. old C. uneven D. puff

7. explorer is to search as exterminator is to ________
A. external B. eliminate C. locate D. collect

8. pilot is to cockpit as captain is to ________
A. engine B. uniform C. anchor D. bridge

9. shorten is to prolong as contemptuous is to ________
A. precious B. lengthen C. respectful D. disdainful

10. moon is to sky as coral is to ________
A. pink B. ocean C. cloud D. forest

Week #6 Answers

Thank you to the twenty participants last week. You did a great job with subordinate clauses. Fourteen of you got a perfect score. Here are the answers.
1. because she skinned her knee
2. even though it was hot
3. before you go
4. since the storm was coming
5. so that you won't be tired for the trip
6. while on the tour
7. whenever you pass someone in the hall
8. that when you smile
9. as long as you have a few minutes
10. after we play Monopoly
11. if you don't want to be late
12. now that he is eighteen

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Week #6: Subordinating Conjunctions

Many of you had difficulty last week distinguishing the main clause (basic sentence) from the subordinating clause. A subordinating clause gives added information to the sentence, but it cannot stand alone (it sounds like a fragment when you read it aloud). These clauses are USUALLY set off by commas. If it is at the beginning of a sentence, the comma comes after the clause. If it is at the end of a sentence, the comma comes before the clause. Finally, if it is in the middle of a sentence, it has commas on both sides. Can you identify the subordinating clauses? There are 12 sentences. Each is worth .25, equalling 3 points total.

EXAMPLE: Unless you get them all right, you will lose the competition.
The subordinate clause is "unless you get them all right."

1. Because she skinned her knee, she couldn't go swimming for the day.

2. He ran the mile even though it was hot.

3. Jill, before you go, please do your homework.

4. Since the storm was coming, we cancelled our plans.

5. You should probably go to sleep early, so that you won't be tired for the trip.

6. The group, while on the tour, learned many facts about the location.

7. You should say hello whenever you pass someone in the hall.

8. It is said, that when you smile, it can make you feel better.

9. As long as you have a few minutes, we can talk over coffee.

10. We can watch the movie, after we play Monopoly.

11. If you don't want to be late, you'll need to leave now.

12. Henry will have more responsibilities, now that he is eighteen.

Week #5 Answers

Linking verbs didn't seem to be too difficult for the eighteen participants. The one to give most of you a challenge was #5. Everyone thought the verb was "is" when it is part of a clause and cannot be the main verb. The linking verb in that sentence was "smells." Congratulations goes to Lily who was the only one to get it correct.

1. is
2. was
3. were
4. will be
5. smells
6. became
7. are
8. is
9. looked
10. were
11. tasted
12. will become
13. is
14. felt
15. is

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Week #5: Linking Verbs

After a week of subjects, I think it is time to work with predicates. Many times the predicate is an action verb, like run, walk, skate, swim, etc. Other times, the predicate can be non action or linking. A linking verb is a verb that connects the subject to an object or adjective later in the sentence. They express no action. Many linking verbs are "be" verbs, like is, are, was, were, be, been, etc. Although most of your answers will be just one word, remember that "will" and "would" can act as helpers in future tense sentences. Can you spot the linking verbs in these sentences? This week's activity is worth .2 X 15 =3 total points.

1. Her hair is green from all of the chlorine.
2. The sunset was beautiful last night.
3. After the game, the players were exhausted and sweaty.
4. When the school year begins, he will be the class president.
5. Although the bottle is pretty, that perfume smells awful.
6. During the storm, the dog became scared.
7. At the zoo, there are many fascinating animals to watch.
8. Your music is too loud for my ears.
9. After riding the spinning ride at the fair, Gloria looked sick to her stomach.
10. The birds were angry when their house blew out of the tree.
11. The cookie dough tasted so good that barely any got baked.
12. Her mother will become worried if she doesn't get home soon.
13. Toy Story 3 is his new favorite movie.
14. Peter felt overheated from mowing the lawn.
15. This is the last sentence for this week's activity.

Week #4 Answers

This was a tough one. Thanks to the 16 who gave it a try.
1. roof
2. car
3. Hannah
4. Barbara
5. I
6. airplane
7. you - understood
8. it
9. you
10. she
11 you - understood
12. flowers
13. movie
14. they
15. you - understood