Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Week #5: Linking Verbs

After a week of subjects, I think it is time to work with predicates. Many times the predicate is an action verb, like run, walk, skate, swim, etc. Other times, the predicate can be non action or linking. A linking verb is a verb that connects the subject to an object or adjective later in the sentence. They express no action. Many linking verbs are "be" verbs, like is, are, was, were, be, been, etc. Although most of your answers will be just one word, remember that "will" and "would" can act as helpers in future tense sentences. Can you spot the linking verbs in these sentences? This week's activity is worth .2 X 15 =3 total points.

1. Her hair is green from all of the chlorine.
2. The sunset was beautiful last night.
3. After the game, the players were exhausted and sweaty.
4. When the school year begins, he will be the class president.
5. Although the bottle is pretty, that perfume smells awful.
6. During the storm, the dog became scared.
7. At the zoo, there are many fascinating animals to watch.
8. Your music is too loud for my ears.
9. After riding the spinning ride at the fair, Gloria looked sick to her stomach.
10. The birds were angry when their house blew out of the tree.
11. The cookie dough tasted so good that barely any got baked.
12. Her mother will become worried if she doesn't get home soon.
13. Toy Story 3 is his new favorite movie.
14. Peter felt overheated from mowing the lawn.
15. This is the last sentence for this week's activity.