Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Week #3: What Would You Do?

While surfing YouTube, I came across this video. It made me think?
Watch it and write a paragraph about how you plan to spend the ? time of your future life. What is important to you? What do you love to do?
Your paragraph should have a topic sentence (1 point).
Your paragraph should have at least 5 detail sentences (1 point).
Your paragraph should have a satisfying closing (1 point).
Your paragraph should have complete sentences and proper conventions (1 point)
This bonus activity is worth 4 bonus points.
If the link doesn't work, the title of the video is "The Time You Have (in Jelly Beans)." It is posted by zefrank1.
I look forward to reading your reflections.

Week 2 Answers

Thank you to all those who participated in the summer blog this week. Many of you missed number 3. You mistook "after you feed the ducks" for a prepositional phrase. It is not a prepositional phrase because it has a verb (feed) in it. Prepositional phrases do not have verbs.
1. at Leeper Park
2. by the pond
3. on the swings, down the slide
4. across the street
5. of the squirrels
6. beside the pond
7. around your neighborhood, via bicycle, for exercise
8. with your friends
9. throughout the summer
10. during this summer
11. before school
12. with your friends, over the next few weeks

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Week #2: Prepositional Phrases

This week we are practicing prepositional phrases. A prepositional phrase begins with a preposition and ends with an object. The following sentences have at least one prepositional phrase in each. Some have more. The number after each sentence tells you how many prepositional phrases are in each. Each sentence is worth .25 making this activity worth 3 bonus points. If you need help, here is a link that may help you with this activity. http://www.towson.edu/ows/prepositions.htm 

1. If you want to see ducks, they live at Leeper Park. (1)
2. You will find geese by the pond as well. (1)
3. After you feed the ducks, you can swing on the swings or slide down the slide. (2)
4. Also, the park has tennis across the street. (1)
5. Be careful. some of the squirrels can be a bit aggressive.(1)
6. Beside the pond is the St. Joseph River. (1)
7. This summer, you may want to ride around your neighborhood via bicycle for exercise. (3)
8. You can even ride with your friends.(1)
9. Throughout the summer, I hope you are safe and have fun. (1)
10. Enjoy the weather as often as you can during this summer. (1)
11. I hope you get to do something fun before school.(1)
12. Spend time with your friends and family over the next few weeks.(2)

Week #1 Answers

Thank you to the 16 people who participated this past week. Almost everyone earned the full 3 bonus points. Here are the answers.
1. girl's
2. children's
3. man's
4. puppy's
5. geese's
6. priest's
7. pictures'
8. shoes'
9. movie's
10. show's
11. Roof Sit's
12. butterflies'

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Week #1: Apostrophes

Apostrophes can be tricky. Here are a couple of tips.
Singular= Always add 's (no matter what)
Plural= Add s' unless it is irregular like people and children. Then you add 's to the irregular plural form.
Now try the following sentences. Make each noun possessive by adding 's or s'. Each one is worth .25 making this activity worth 3 bonus points.
1. The little _______________ (girl) room was decorated in pink and purple.
2. Some of the ______________ (children) toys were broken.
3. That _____________________ (man) hat blew down the street.
4. Her new _________________ (puppy) bark sounded like a cat's meow.
5. At the park, some of the _________________(geese) eggs were destroyed by the raccoon.
6. During church, the ___________________ (priest) cell phone rang, embarrassing him in front of the congregation.
7. Many of the _____________(pictures) frames were filled with pictures of the new baby.
8. Those __________________ (shoes) prices were so reasonable due to the big sale.
9. If you want to find out the _______________ (movie) actors, you should look it up on IMDB.
10. Did you happen to see that ________________ (show) season finale last night?
11. All of the ___________________ (Roof Sit) money will go to helping abused children.
12. While examining the ____________________(butterflies) wings, the students noticed no two sets are alike.