Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Week #1: Apostrophes

Apostrophes can be tricky. Here are a couple of tips.
Singular= Always add 's (no matter what)
Plural= Add s' unless it is irregular like people and children. Then you add 's to the irregular plural form.
Now try the following sentences. Make each noun possessive by adding 's or s'. Each one is worth .25 making this activity worth 3 bonus points.
1. The little _______________ (girl) room was decorated in pink and purple.
2. Some of the ______________ (children) toys were broken.
3. That _____________________ (man) hat blew down the street.
4. Her new _________________ (puppy) bark sounded like a cat's meow.
5. At the park, some of the _________________(geese) eggs were destroyed by the raccoon.
6. During church, the ___________________ (priest) cell phone rang, embarrassing him in front of the congregation.
7. Many of the _____________(pictures) frames were filled with pictures of the new baby.
8. Those __________________ (shoes) prices were so reasonable due to the big sale.
9. If you want to find out the _______________ (movie) actors, you should look it up on IMDB.
10. Did you happen to see that ________________ (show) season finale last night?
11. All of the ___________________ (Roof Sit) money will go to helping abused children.
12. While examining the ____________________(butterflies) wings, the students noticed no two sets are alike.