Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Week #4: Simple Subjects and Simple Predicates

Happy Fourth of July Everyone!
*Thank you to the few students who participated in last week's YouTube paragraph. You had very thoughtful ideas for your futures, immediate and distant.
*This week, the challenge is to find the simple subjects and predicates (verbs) for each of the following sentences. Remember NOT to include adjectives. Remember to include helping verbs. This week's challenge is worth 4 bonus points. Each question is worth .25. List your simple subject first and then your simple predicate (verb).

1. During the parade, the little boy waved an American flag.
2. That firecracker exploded on the pavement.
3. Those colorful sparklers will burn for a minute.
4. On the Fourth of July, the beach is visited by hundreds of people.
5. Because their house is close to the Cove, they could hear the fireworks after the game.
6. The skittish dog ran under the couch when she heard the loud boom.
7. In honor of the day, the family dressed in red, white, and blue.
8. For the cookout, dinner consisted of hot dogs and hamburgers.
9. My sister hates fireworks, because she thinks they are very dangerous.
10. While lighting his sparkler, Mark was burned accidentally.
11. When it got darker, the sky lit up with tons of fireworks.
12. At the end of the night, a sulfur smell wafted into their home.