Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Week #9: Final Challenge

Thank you to all of those who participated in this year's summer blog. I learned not to play "Call Me Maybe" unless I want to make Megan crazy. I learned not to chew with my mouth full unless I want to irritate Marty. I learned that if I want to remove nail polish around Caroline, it would be best to use remover and not my nails. I learned Jack hates being bored, so I will be sure to provide lots of homework this year to keep him busy. I learned from Kevin that all politicians are liars and do not keep their promises, and finally I learned that cracking any joints will cause smoke to come from Grace's ears.

For this final challenge, I present you with a series of words: GOODBYE VACATION. Twist them and move them to make as many words as you can. Your words need to be at least 3 letters. If you create 1-10 words you will earn 1 bonus/House point; 11-20 words will earn you 2 bonus/House points; 21-30 words will earn you 3 bonus/House points; 31+ words will earn you 4 bonus/House points. Good luck with this final challenge.