1. DURABLE IS TO FRAGILE as ... A. agreement is to accord B. truthful is to deceptive C. clever is to bright
2. SEASON IS TO SPRING as ... A. fall is to autumn B. weather is to climate C. planet is to Mars
3. BASKETBALL IS TO DRIBBLE as ... A. tennis is to squash B. volleyball is to net C. football is to pass
4. PLAIN IS TO ORDINARY as ... A. simple is to complicated B. decorated is to adorned C. remarkable is to common
5. FANTASY IS TO REALITY as ... A. novel is to fiction B. falsehood is to truth C. incorrect is to wrong
6. PREDICT IS TO FORETELL as ... A.amuse is to entertain B. excite is to calm C. accept is to protest
7. FEATHER IS TO LIGHT as ... A. mouse is to quiet B. fluffy is to heavy C. enormous is to huge
8. SURRENDER IS TO RESIST as ... A. accept is to reject B. informal is to relaxed C. argue is to disagree
9. VIBRANT IS TO BRILLIANT as ... A. moving is to still B. sensible is to silly C. sluggish is to slow
10. COLOR IS TO PURPLE as ... A. apple is to red B. food is to carrot C. hue is to shade