Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Week #2: Compound Subjects or Verbs

Read each sentence and decide whether it has a compound subject or verb. Write CS for a compound subject and CV for a compound verb. Then, list the compounds. For example, if the sentence was, "The boy and girl played outside," you would answer, CS- boy and girl. Each question is worth .3, making this week's activity worth 3 bonus points. 
1. Ms. Reynolds and Mr. Sing play in the local orchestra.
2. The orchestra gives concerts and also donates its services for charity events.
3. Mr. Sing plays the violin and acts as the concertmaster.
4. The musicians and ushers are volunteers.
5. Clarinetists, flutists, and oboists play in the woodwind section.
6. Percussion instruments such as drums vary and enrich the orchestra's sound.
7. The orchestra has toured our state and has appeared in several major cities.
8. Either a symphony or concerto is played during the orchestra's programs.
9. A harp or piano may be added to the orchestra in order to vary the selection.
10. Ms. Johnson plans the schedule and conducts the orchestra.