Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Week #5: Confused Words

Week #5: Confused Words
There are many words in the English language that can be confused based on sound, spelling, etc. Below are 10 sentences with frequently confused words. Read each sentence and choose the word that correctly completes each. Each is worth .3 making this challenge worth 3 bonus points. 
1. The student driver missed the (break/brake) with his foot.
2. We will be going (later/latter) than you to the movies.
3. You don't have anything to (lose/loose) so you might as well try.
4. My fashion taste is rather (plane/plain), and I don't like a lot of patterns.
5. We don't want the tigers to run (lose/loose) around the zoo.
6. The inspectors check for traces of (lead/led) in the water.
7. Follow these (principals/principles), and you will be a success.
8. Be careful not to (break/brake) the vase, or your parents will be furious.
9. The science teacher rolled the marble down the incline (plain/plane) for the experiment.
10. Henry thought the (later/latter) of the two reasons made more sense.