Wednesday, August 2, 2017


Read each sentence and choose the verb to complete each. This is the final challenge and is worth .3 X 10= 3 bonus points.
1. Blair (stare / stares) at the massive mess in her bedroom after the slumber party.
2. Jade and I (catch / catches) fireflies in the backyard at dust.
3. Students (choose / chooses) which classes to take for the fall semester.
4. Either my mom or dad (drive / drives) me to school in the mornings.
5. One of my friends (has / have) a lake house and three boats.
6. People (access / accesses) the Internet multiple times a day.
7. The squirrels (scurry / scurries) when I open the sliding door to the back patio.
8. Neither my friend nor my sister (help / helps) me learn the rules to the game.
9. Both my locker and my backpack (is / are) completely organized for the entire school year.
10. Did you hear that no one (is / are) allowed to use a calculator on the test?