Wednesday, June 27, 2018


INFORMATION: Pronouns are words that take the place of nouns like he, she, it, they, etc. Antecedents are the words that the pronouns replace. For example, Dan left his bike in the yard. "Dan" would be the antecedent for the pronoun "his."
Directions: Read each sentence and list the pronoun first and then the antecedent for each. Each is worth .3, making this activity worth 3 bonus points.
1. When Marie went on a family vacation to Florida, she had a wonderful time.
2. Paul and Max spent the summer riding their bikes and fishing.
3. The campground was full of visitors, and it was abuzz with children.
4. "I want to build a sandcastle at the beach," Kelly told the babysitter.
5. During the summer, the library has a reading challenge, and it even offers prizes.
6. Wendy, Peggy, and I decided to stay inside because it was too hot. We watched movies and ate snacks all day long.
7. The Smith family was so excited to go to the water park, and then it had to close due to lightening.
8. The number of bees at the picnic made the meal difficult to enjoy as they kept bothering everyone.
9. During the softball game, the team played so well, the coach took them out for ice cream after the game.
10. In order to make himself some money, Billy mowed a few lawns each week.

Tuesday, June 26, 2018


1. Mouse
2. B
3. Pantry/cupboard
4. C
5. B
6. B
7. B
8. The mouse is never caught in the poem
9. various answers were accepted
10. various answer were accepted

Wednesday, June 20, 2018


Read the poem and answer the questions that follow. Each question is worth .3, making this activity worth 3 bonus points.
THE LITTLE MOUSE (a Mother Goose rhyme)
I have seen you, little mouse,
Running all about my house,
Through the hole your little eye

In the wainscot peeping sly, 
Hoping soon some crumbs to steal,
To make quite a hearty meal.
Look before you venture out,
See if kitty is about.
If she's gone, you'll quickly run
To the larder for some fun;
Round about the dishes creep,
Taking into each a peep,
To choose the daintiest that's there,
Spoiling things you do not care.

1. What animal is featured (focused on) in this poem?
2. Who most likely says the line "I have seen you, little mouse"? A. The cat  B. The owner of the house  C. The mouse's mother
3. What is a larder?
4. What in the poem will "make quite a hearty meal"? A. The mouse  B. The cake in the pantry  C. Some crumbs
5. Why does the mouse take a peep into every dish? A. To see if the cat is nearby  B. to find the best things to eat  C. To find a new place to hide
6. What does the word "venture" mean as it is used in this poem? A. bravely take on a chore  B. Take a chance or dare  C. To be terribly frightened
7. What is the rhyme scheme of this poem? A. every line rhyme  B. lines rhyme in pairs   C. every other line rhymes  
8. How is the mouse caught?
9. What is a good word to describe the mouse? Why?  
10. Add your own set of two lines that could fit well into the poem? Your lines can be placed anywhere you wish in the poem (beginning, middle or end). Be sure you follow the same rhyming pattern. 

Week#1: Answers

1. Lie
2. Lesson
3. Lose
4. Passed
5. Patience
6. Piece
7. Personal
8. Plane
9. Principal
10. Proceed
11. Presents
12. Quiet
13. Raise
14. Morale
15. Lightening

Tuesday, June 12, 2018



Directions: Locate the spelling error in each sentence and correct it by writing the correct spelling for each word. (.2 points each= 3 total points)

1.After taking the cold medicine she had to lay down to rest for a bit.
2. One lessen you learn in life is that you should always treat others the way you want     
   to be treated.
3. If you loose your paper, you will have to make a copy of someone else’s.
4. Since they past their turn, they had to go around the block.
5. I can’t stand to wait in line, because I have no patients.
6. I ate a peace of peanut butter pie not realizing I am allergic to peanuts.
7. Her personnel family problems caused her to quit her job.
8. The plain lost altitude and crashed into a field.
9. When the principle saw all the snow, she cancelled school.
10. If you precede to the next question, I’ll come back to the other one later.
11. With so many presence, the little girl didn’t know what to open first.
12. Please be quite as you work, as some students are not finished with the test.
13. If you raze your hand when you have a question, the teacher will call on you soon.
14. Because they miss their families, the moral of the troops was down.
15. The bride will be lightning her teeth so she has bright whites for all of her pictures.