Wednesday, June 20, 2018


Read the poem and answer the questions that follow. Each question is worth .3, making this activity worth 3 bonus points.
THE LITTLE MOUSE (a Mother Goose rhyme)
I have seen you, little mouse,
Running all about my house,
Through the hole your little eye

In the wainscot peeping sly, 
Hoping soon some crumbs to steal,
To make quite a hearty meal.
Look before you venture out,
See if kitty is about.
If she's gone, you'll quickly run
To the larder for some fun;
Round about the dishes creep,
Taking into each a peep,
To choose the daintiest that's there,
Spoiling things you do not care.

1. What animal is featured (focused on) in this poem?
2. Who most likely says the line "I have seen you, little mouse"? A. The cat  B. The owner of the house  C. The mouse's mother
3. What is a larder?
4. What in the poem will "make quite a hearty meal"? A. The mouse  B. The cake in the pantry  C. Some crumbs
5. Why does the mouse take a peep into every dish? A. To see if the cat is nearby  B. to find the best things to eat  C. To find a new place to hide
6. What does the word "venture" mean as it is used in this poem? A. bravely take on a chore  B. Take a chance or dare  C. To be terribly frightened
7. What is the rhyme scheme of this poem? A. every line rhyme  B. lines rhyme in pairs   C. every other line rhymes  
8. How is the mouse caught?
9. What is a good word to describe the mouse? Why?  
10. Add your own set of two lines that could fit well into the poem? Your lines can be placed anywhere you wish in the poem (beginning, middle or end). Be sure you follow the same rhyming pattern.