Monday, June 22, 2009

Week 2- Subjects and Verbs

This week's challenge is subjects and verbs. There are ten sentence and each has a subject and a predicate (often referred to as the verb). Be careful! Some sentences have compound subjects and/or predicates. The activity is worth 4 bonus points (.2 for the subject(s) and .2 for the predicate(s)) Good luck and don't forget to e-mail your answers to
1. The busy bees flew from bud to bud.
2. After the rain, the boys and girls splashed in the puddles.
3. A roller coaster can be thrilling but sometimes scary to ride.
4. Disney World is a common destination for summer vacation.
5. On the Fourth of July, fireworks explode in the sky.
6. Bike riding and swimming are excellent forms of exercise.
7. America's Got Talent starts this week to identify the most talented person or group.
8. Even though there is no school, students read books and magazines to pass the time.
9. Beaches and water parks fill with families all summer.
10. Instead of heavy tennis shoes, flip flops and sandals keep feet cooler on hot days.