Sunday, June 28, 2009

Week 3 - Sentence Types

As you know there are four types of sentences (declarative, imperative, interrogative, and exclamatory). Read the following sentence and identify each as one of the four types. This activity is worth 2.5 bonus points (each is worth .25).

1. The heat made all the travelers agitated.
2. Don't exert yourself when it's very hot outside.
3. Swimming in the pool cooled everyone off yesterday.
4. Did you see that under the shade of the tree, the chipmunk took a nap?
5. Holy Moly! You could fry an egg on the sidewalk it's so hot!
6. Aren't you tired of the sticky, humid weather?
7. Sitting in an air conditioned house all day can become pretty boring.
8. Even if it's hot, go outside and play for a little bit each day.
9. Phew! I started to sweat as soon as I walked out of the house!
10. Drink plenty of water throughout the hot day to stay hydrated.

Good luck and I will post the answers for last week in a day or so. I have a few people who need to e-mail me the simple subjects and predicates and then I will post the answers. Thanks to the 23 who did last week's challenge.

Miss Perry