Monday, August 10, 2009


We have finally made it to the last week. Before I post the questions for this week, I just wanted to remind all 6,7, and 8th graders that you will need a 3 subject notebook with a plastic cover for my class. Somehow, that notebook only made it on the 6th grade list, but all three grades will need one. I thought you should know since there are so many sales going on this week.

Now for the final activity. This week the topic is possessives. I have given you a very awkward but grammatically correct statement. You need to shorten it by turning it into a possessive. In the following phrase, for example, the tail of the dog would be changed to the dog's tail. If you have questions, let me know. Otherwise, this activity is worth .25 X 12 = 3 bonus points. Good luck and enjoy your last week of vacation. I know I will.

1. The purse of Molly =

2. The uniforms worn by the students =

3. The car owned by Mork =

4. The smiles of the family in the picture =

5. The houses of the neighborhood =

6. The jobs of the workers =

7. The music on the iPod =

8. The determination of the baseball players =

9. The fights of the sisters =

10. The flowers of the garden =

11. The summer blog provide by Miss Perry =

12. The bonus points of the middle schoolers =