Monday, August 3, 2009


Prepositions often help describe which one, what kind, how many, where, and when for an item or event. They are generally very small words like "of" or "to." Read each sentence and identify the preposition in each. Each is worth .2 X 10 = 2 bonus points.

1. The book in the bag is due today.

2. On August 19th, school will begin.

3. That gift under the tree is fragile.

4. All meetings take place at the main office.

5. You can place all donations over there.

6. A pesky fly flew above our heads.

7. Unfortunately, the party for him has been cancelled.

8. Your shoes are sitting by the door.

9. Wind blew through the window cooling the room.

10. Since it was storming, the kids were inside the house.