Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Week 3 Irregular Verbs

Verbs can change in awkward ways when going from the present to the past. We wish they could all add "ed," but the English language is too complicated for such a simple answer. Read each sentence and choose the correct verb to complete each. Each is worth .2 X 15= 3 bonus points
1. The strong wind from the thunderstorm (blew / blown ) the power lines down.

2. That annoying spider (bited / bit) my leg in two spots.

3. We (brought / bringed) our own snacks for the trip.

4. Something I had (ate / eaten) made my stomach hurt.

5. I think those shoes (costed / cost) more than you thought.

6. Have you ever (broken / broke) any bones?

7. In the morning, the mailman (come / came) with our long awaited package.

8. While watching the movie, I have (become / became) very sleepy.

9. Did you see the boy (chose / chosed) the winning number?

10. Has something (fell / fallen) out of your purse?

11. Ciara had (drawn / drew) the cutest picture for her mother.

12. When it came to the project, Janet (done / did) more than anyone else in her group.

13. As I went over that pothole, I think I (bursted / burst) the tire.

14. Before I leave for the trip, I will have (buyed / bought) new tennis shoes for all of the walking.

15. Some of the buildings he has (built / build) are tall and others are one level.