Week #8: Simple Subjects and Simple Predicates
Directions: Read each sentence and decide the simple subject and simple predicate or each. Remember that some predicates have helping verbs. Please list the subject first and the predicate second in the answers you send me. Each is worth .15 X 20 = 3 bonus points total.
1. Summer vacation breezed right by me.
2. Although they are not good for you, chocolate chip cookies taste delicious.
3. Her birthday cake was covered in butter cream frosting.
4. The puppy learned how to sit on command.
5. Over the summer, his family got a brand new car.
6. On Friday, Tabitha will travel to Florida for a long weekend.
7. Since he was running late, he stopped at Starbucks for breakfast.
8. While on the beach, Claire collected tons of seashells.
9. That puzzle has one thousand pieces to it.
10. During his baseball game, Liam hit a homerun.