Apostrophes can be confusing. You use 'S when it is a singular item/person owning an item/items; while S' is used when it is a plural item/person owning an item/items. Watch out for words whose plural is irregular, like children. Then the plural is'S. Good luck with the following. The word in parentheses is the one that needs the appopriate apostrophe. You may also have to make the word plural first. Each is worth .25 X 12= 3 bonus points
1. ________________ (Harrison) hair got so long he could put it in a ponytail.
2. Did you see those _________________ (flower) petals scattered on the table?
3. She is sad because her ___________________ (boyfriend) family is moving to Georgia at the end of the month.
4. The newborn ________________ (baby) feet and hands are super tiny.
5. When the _______________ (bottle) cap fell in the dirt, I threw it in the trash.
6. Those ________________ (child) bellies ache from eating too much chocolate candy.
7. Sometimes the ______________ (dog) fur sheds all over the couch.
8. In the woods the ________________ (deer) babies ate the grass.
9. Although his two ________________ (sibling) eyes are blue, his are brown.
10. When the __________________ (clock) hands are on the 12, you must be in bed.
11. The police ______________ (officer) lights flashed in my rear view mirror.
12. At the beach, the ______________ (lake) waves ruined their sandcastle.