Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Week #4: Collective Nouns

People Group Clip ArtCollective nouns are nouns that are singular but represent a group. The word group, for example, is a collective noun. It is singular but stands for more than one item together. Read each sentence below and identify the collective noun in each sentence. Three of the following have no collective nouns. Each is worth .25 points making this activity worth 3 bonus points.
1. The audience cheered for the young singer as she belted out the beautiful song.
2. The choir sang "The National Anthem" in the wrong key.
3. Our class sat in the front of the auditorium for the play.
4. Some of the cheerleaders can do backflips and air splits.
5. Their dog gathers the herd in the field.
6. Shelly is excited about watching Congress in session while visiting Washington D. C.
7. That house on the corner looks like a mansion compared to the others.
8. It was scary when the flock of geese landed in my yard.
9. Although I might be exagerrating a bit, her suitcase was so heavy, it practically took an army to carry it.
10. Unfortunately their team did not have enough players, so they had to forfeit the game.
11. Everyone was so excited for the new family that moved in next door.
12. Mice can be a nuisance when they get into your pantry.

Week #3: Answers

1. principal                  7. pour
2. heir                         8. profit
3. cereal                     9. stationery
4. flour                       10. waited
5. know                      11. where
6. idle                         12. weak

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Week #3: Homophones

I would like to thank Austin for giving me the idea for homophones. Homophones are words that sound alike but are spelled differently. Fill in each of  the following sentences with one of the homophones below. This activity is worth 3 bonus points, making each worth .25 points.
1. I was shocked when the (principal / principle) gave us an extra recess.
2. Since he was the sole (heir / air) to the family's estate, he inherited a mansion.
3. Without my morning (serial / cereal) I am grouchy by nine.
4. Instead of adding (flour / flower) to the batter, he added cornstarch. What a big mistake!
5. If you don't (know / no) a definition, you can always look it up in a dictionary.
6. He sat (idol / idle) for so long, he started to doze off on the bench.
7. While I was trying to (pore / pour) the lemonade into the cups, I spilled it on the floor.
8. After the garage sale, we counted a (profit / prophet) of two hundred dollars.
9. I wanted to write a thank you letter on nice (stationary / stationery), but I could only find loose leaf paper.
10. The devoted fans (waited / weighted) in line for their One Direction tickets.
11. That GPS system came in handy when we didn't know (where / wear) to turn for your house.
12. Because of the surgery, Mark's muscles were (weak / week), and he needed some intense rehabilitation.

Week #2: Answers

Week #2: Capitalization Answers
1. president
2. Father
3. governor
4. peanut butter
5. Doctor
6. Professor
7. principal
8. shoes
9. baseball player
10. Officer
11. lieutenant
12. Sister

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Week #2: Capitalization

Week #2: Capitalization
This week I want to practice capitalization. Here are a few tips that should help you with this activity.
-You only capitalize a personal title when it is attached to the person's name. (Vice Principal Foley)
-You capitalize a name brand but not the generic product (Lays potato chips)
This activity is 3 bonus points. All you have to do is write the word I have underlined capitalized or lowercase. I have written all of them in lowercase, so as not to give away the answers.
1. I would never want to be a president, because it requires too much responsibility.
2. Did you hear father Daryl's homily this Sunday?
3. Everyone was glad to see her win governor.
4. Whenever I am hungry, I like to eat apples with Jif peanut butter.
5. Since he needs braces, he will go to doctor Wong.
6. One of the smartest teachers is professor Stone.
7. When the principal called me into her office, I panicked.
8. Some people will only buy Nike shoes, because they say they fit better than other shoes.
9. Paul Konerko is a White Sox baseball player with a pretty good hitting record right now.
10. Shawn knew he was going to get a ticket when officer Michaels pulled him over for speeding.
11. After serving in the army for five years, Joe ranked as a lieutenant.
12. I will never forget how sister Rose made misbehaving students stick their noses in a circle on the chalkboard.

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Summer Blog 2012 Week #1

We will start the summer off with an easy one!
Here are 5 Warehouse Words. Define them, including their parts of speech(es) and definition(s). Then use each in a sentence with at least 7 words in each sentence. This activity is worth 3 points. Each piece is worth .3 points.