Tuesday, August 12, 2014


Here are the answers to Week #8. This is also the final summer blog activity. You will receive your bonus points within the first few days of school. Enjoy what's left of summer vacation!
1. Logan,
2. Noah, ...brother,
3. summer,
4. principal, ... told,
5. Well,
6. lamp,
7. kitchen,
8. Quinn, however,
9. fruits, vegetables, and
10. homework,
11. her,
12. Ben, .... student,

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Week #8: Commas

Read each of the following sentences and place the comma or commas where necessary. Each is worth .25 making this final summer bonus activity worth 3 bonus points. 
1. "Logan come here right now!" he yelled.
2. Noah my younger brother has joined the debate team.
3. In the summer Angela enjoys playing outdoors.
4. The new principal I have been told is very nice.
5. Well what did you do at school today?
6. "I accidentally broke the lamp" Tom confessed to his mom.
7. On the wall near the kitchen a beautiful painting was displayed.
8. Quinn however has not completed the project yet.
9. A healthy diet includes fruits vegetables and plenty of water.
10. Because he forgot his homework he will not receive full credit for it.
11. He asked her "When is your birthday?"
12. Ben the new student arrived at school today.

Week #7 Answers

1. B
2. A
3. B
4. D
5. C
6. C
7. D
8. B
9. C
10. D

Tuesday, July 29, 2014


This week, I have posted a short essay on the "One Room Schoolhouse." Please read it and answer the 10 multiple choice questions that follow. Each question is worth .3 making this activity worth 3 bonus points. 


1. with the green stripe
2. across the plains
3. on the wall
4. for her salad
5. around the pond
6. in his backyard
7. of jelly beans
8. in his desk drawer
9. inside her purse
10. through the park
11. along the river
12. from the shelter
13. under the table
14. for my birthday
15. before the movie
16. at Meijer

Tuesday, July 22, 2014


PREPOSITIONAL PHRASES- begin with a preposition and end with an object. What is/are the prepositional phrase(s) for each sentence? There are 16 phrases to find in the following sentences. That means that some of the sentences have more than one phrase. Each phrase is worth .25, making this activity worth 4 total bonus points.
1. The wild mustang with the green stripe thundered across the plains.
2. Ellen's photo is on the wall.
3. Kayla ordered dressing for her salad.
4. Gino walked carefully around the pond in his backyard.
5. Mr. Tennison has a bag of jelly beans in his desk drawer.
6. Kristen put her keys inside her purse.
7. We enjoy jogging through the park and along the river.
8. The puppy from the shelter ran under the table to hide. 
9. My grandmother gave me a gift card for my birthday.
10. Before the movie, we bought snacks at Meijer.

Week #5 Answers

1. birth
2. bird
3. bard
4. board
5. boar
6. boast
7. boat
8. bout
9. shout
10. south

Tuesday, July 15, 2014


Complete the following Word Ladder. Each one is worth .3 making this activity worth 3 bonus points.
Starting Word- NORTH
1. The beginning of a person's life (change the first two letters)
2. Animal that flies (take away the last two letters, then add one)
3. Another name for a poet (change one letter)
4. A long piece of sawed lumber or wood (add one letter)
5. A type of wild pig (take away one letter)
6. To brag (take away the last letter, then add two)
7. A vessel for traveling on water (take away one letter)
8. A struggle. I had another ___________ with the flu last winter (change the second vowel)
9. To call out loudly (take away the first letter, then add two)
10. Opposite direction of north (rearrange the letters)

Tuesday, July 8, 2014


Read each statement below and decide whether it is a sentence, a fragment, or a run-on. Each is worth .2 making this activity worth 3 bonus points. 
1. Four species of skunks are found in North America two are found in Canada.
2. The striped skunk is found in eastern Canada with thick, shiny fur.
3. Its white stripe down the middle of the face along the top of the head.
4. You can smell a skunk before you can see it the skunk is often fearless it may not run off when spotted by humans.
5. The hairs on the tail are 10 to 13 centimeters long and make each hair stand erect when frightened.
6. Interest in building a canal across the Isthmus of Panama.
7. The usefulness of such a canal for sea trade.
8. What is now Panama was the northern province of Colombia. 
9. When the Colombian legislature refused to ratify a treaty.
10. Giving the United States the right to build and manage a canal.
11. Panama granted the U.S. a lease in return for $10 million and a yearly fee of $250,000.
12. The completion of the canal in 1914 was a major triumph it was directed by Colonel George W. Goethals.

13. While the canal was being completed.
14. It proved to be an outstanding achievement many countries have benefited from its development.
15. Now the United States is a power in both the Caribbean Sea and the Pacific Ocean.


Due to the storm last week, I was without power until the Fourth of July. Therefore, the third challenge will be ongoing and can be submitted any time before Wednesday, August 5th. The challenge is a paragraph with a minimum of 7 sentences. The topic is to describe your favorite food. Use as many of your senses as possible. You will be graded on Ideas and Content, Organization, Word Choice, and Conventions. Each trait will be worth up to 1 point and the whole paragraph is worth 4 bonus points. 


Here are the answers to the capitalization challenge. There were only 29 words needing to be capitalized. I apologize for giving you the wrong number. Many of your caught my error. Thank you!
1. Norma  2. Chicago  3. Sunday  4. Ian's  5. Broadway  6. The  7. All  8. Day's 9. Work  10. Easter  11. March  12. April  13. Don't  14. Friday  15. Alice's  16. Barnes  17. Noble  18. Tammi  19. While  20. Europe  21. London  22. Madrid  23. Paris  24. Rome  25. Did  26. Chuck  27. Spiderman  28. Their  29. September 

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Week #2: Capitalization

Which words in each sentence need capitalizing? All sentences have more than one. You will capitalize 30 words. Each word is worth .15 making this bonus worth 4.5 total bonus points.
1. norma will be in chicago on sunday if all goes well.
2. ian's play on broadway is an excellent one that should not be missed.
3. the book all in a day's work was comical.
4. easter comes in march or april every year.
5. don't you plan on going to her party on friday?
6. alice's book will be published and sold at barnes and noble soon.
7. tammi, what is your friend's name with the blonde hair?
8. while we were in europe, we visited london, madrid, paris, and rome.
9. did you know that his friend chuck will be in the next spiderman movie?
10. their wedding is scheduled for september at the beginning of fall sometime.

Week #1 Answers

Here are Week #1 Answers
Thank you to the few of you who participated. 
1. C, hostile- Homophones
2. B, die- Synonym
3. D, pasta- Example/Class
4. C, unwise- Antonym
5. A, condemn- Antonym
6. A, rain- Synonym
7. D, vegetable- Example/Class
8. B, amiable- Synonym

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Week #1: Analogies

Thank you for participating in this year's summer blog. Remember that you can do as many weeks or as few as you wish. You will be earning language arts bonus points to begin the upcoming school year. You have until next Tuesday to e-mail me the answers.
ANALOGIES- each is worth .25= 4 total bonus points (out of 16)
There are many relationships between analogies. They can be synonyms like beautiful and pretty. They can be antonyms like big and little. They can be homophones like tail and tale. And they can be example and class like Jolly Rancher and candy. Finish the analogies below. Then, decide whether their relationship is a synonym, antonym, homophone, or example/class.
1. rest is to wrest like hostel is to ________________    Relationship: __________________
A. hotel      B. relax      C.hostile      D. wrench
2. melt is to dissolve like expire is to _____________     Relationship: __________________
A. harden      B. die      C. expose      D. live
3. lipstick is to cosmetic like linguine is to ______________       Relationship: _____________
A. rouge      B. language      C. ravioli      D. pasta
4. spiritual is to corporal like sage is to _______________     Relationship: ______________
A. stage      B. smart      C. unwise      D. body
5. personal is to public like praise is to ________________       Relationship: ____________
A. condemn      B. prays      C. honor      D. private
6. feat is to accomplishment like precipitation is to ________    Relationship: ____________
A. rain       B. deed       C. feat       D. perspiration
7. scarf is to accessory like cucumber is to _____________     Relationship: ____________
A. color      B. garden      C. helper     D. vegetable
8. apprehensive is to fearful like congenial is to ______________   Relationship: _________
A. angry     B. amiable      C. congested      D. congealed