Tuesday, July 22, 2014


PREPOSITIONAL PHRASES- begin with a preposition and end with an object. What is/are the prepositional phrase(s) for each sentence? There are 16 phrases to find in the following sentences. That means that some of the sentences have more than one phrase. Each phrase is worth .25, making this activity worth 4 total bonus points.
1. The wild mustang with the green stripe thundered across the plains.
2. Ellen's photo is on the wall.
3. Kayla ordered dressing for her salad.
4. Gino walked carefully around the pond in his backyard.
5. Mr. Tennison has a bag of jelly beans in his desk drawer.
6. Kristen put her keys inside her purse.
7. We enjoy jogging through the park and along the river.
8. The puppy from the shelter ran under the table to hide. 
9. My grandmother gave me a gift card for my birthday.
10. Before the movie, we bought snacks at Meijer.