Tuesday, July 8, 2014


Read each statement below and decide whether it is a sentence, a fragment, or a run-on. Each is worth .2 making this activity worth 3 bonus points. 
1. Four species of skunks are found in North America two are found in Canada.
2. The striped skunk is found in eastern Canada with thick, shiny fur.
3. Its white stripe down the middle of the face along the top of the head.
4. You can smell a skunk before you can see it the skunk is often fearless it may not run off when spotted by humans.
5. The hairs on the tail are 10 to 13 centimeters long and make each hair stand erect when frightened.
6. Interest in building a canal across the Isthmus of Panama.
7. The usefulness of such a canal for sea trade.
8. What is now Panama was the northern province of Colombia. 
9. When the Colombian legislature refused to ratify a treaty.
10. Giving the United States the right to build and manage a canal.
11. Panama granted the U.S. a lease in return for $10 million and a yearly fee of $250,000.
12. The completion of the canal in 1914 was a major triumph it was directed by Colonel George W. Goethals.

13. While the canal was being completed.
14. It proved to be an outstanding achievement many countries have benefited from its development.
15. Now the United States is a power in both the Caribbean Sea and the Pacific Ocean.