1. When the school bus driver applied her air (brake / break), she heard a hissing noise.
2. Will you (accept / except) my sincere apology?
3. The bride wanted yellow flowers on the (altar / alter) on her wedding day.
4. My hockey game is finally (all together / altogether), and we can go now.
5. In ancient times, a person would (break / brake) bread with others to show trust and friendship.
6. After crashing into Frank on my skateboard, I asked, "Are you (all right / alright)?"
7. My (advice / advise) is that you wear protective gloves when using bleach.
8. Do you think you can pick up some (meet / meat) for the barbecue?
9. Did Coach Crowe (advice / advise) the players to drink water during the game?
10. The (affects / effects) of the fire were catastrophic.