Tuesday, July 28, 2015


Week #7: Similes and Metaphors
Read each sentence and decide whether each is a simile or metaphor. Then tell what two items are being compared. Each item is worth .3 making this activity worth 3 bonus points.

1. The wet ground was as soft as a sponge.
2. She was so embarrassed, her face glowed like hot coals.
3. He was so frightened that his legs shook like leaves in the wind.
4. Her smile was a beacon in the unfriendly surroundings.
5. The sound of the natives' music was an intoxicant to our ears.
6. Her voice was as clear as a bell.
7. Although he was quite small, we knew he had the heart of a lion.
8. Her sorrow hung like a cloud over the entire room.
9. He couldn't shoot baskets, but he could run like the wind.
10. The carefree days of summer vanished like a dream when school started in August.