Tuesday, July 28, 2015


Week #7: Similes and Metaphors
Read each sentence and decide whether each is a simile or metaphor. Then tell what two items are being compared. Each item is worth .3 making this activity worth 3 bonus points.

1. The wet ground was as soft as a sponge.
2. She was so embarrassed, her face glowed like hot coals.
3. He was so frightened that his legs shook like leaves in the wind.
4. Her smile was a beacon in the unfriendly surroundings.
5. The sound of the natives' music was an intoxicant to our ears.
6. Her voice was as clear as a bell.
7. Although he was quite small, we knew he had the heart of a lion.
8. Her sorrow hung like a cloud over the entire room.
9. He couldn't shoot baskets, but he could run like the wind.
10. The carefree days of summer vanished like a dream when school started in August.

Week #6 Answers

Collective Nouns
1. flocks
2. groups
3. committee
4. crowd
5. classes

Mass Nouns
6. bread
7. jelly
8. dust
9. rain
10. electricity

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Week #6 NOUNS

COLLECTIVE NOUNS- common nouns that name a group with more than one member - jury, staff, team
What is the collective noun in each sentence?
1. Flocks of penguins live only in the Southern Hemisphere.
2. Many scientific groups have studied the birds carefully.
3. A committee of biologists is studying the penguins living in New Zealand.
4. A large crowd is expected at the event on Friday.
5. They plan to talk to the science classes at each of the high schools.

MASS NOUNS- common nouns that cannot be easily separated into countable units- water, sand, wood, air
What is the mass noun in each sentence?
6. When you go to the grocery store, don't forget to pick up some bread.
7. Get a large jar of grape jelly, too.
8. The fine, yellow dust is causing me to sneeze.
9. The rain came down so hard the sewers couldn't keep up.
10. When the electricity went out, we had to search blindly for a flashlight.

Each question is worth .3 making this activity worth 3 bonus points. 

Tuesday, July 14, 2015


Choose one of the following topics below and write a paragraph explaining why one is better than the other. You must have at least 9 sentences and 3 reasons (explained) within your paragraph. This week's activity is worth 5 bonus points. You will be graded on the following traits: Ideas and Content, Organization, Word Choice, Sentence Fluency, and Conventions. Each trait will be worth 1 point each.
*Amusement park or water park
*Swimming pool or the beach
*Dairy Queen or Steak and Shake
*Spotify or Pandora
*Water Tubing or sledding

Week #4 Answers

Week #4 Answers
1. brake
2. accept
3. altar
4. all together (yes, the sentence should have said "hockey team" and not "game"- sorry)
5. break
6. alright
7. advice
8. meat
9. advise
10. effects

Tuesday, July 7, 2015


Choose the correct word to complete each sentence. Each is worth .3 making this activity worth 3 bonus points. 
1. When the school bus driver applied her air (brake / break), she heard a hissing noise.
2. Will you (accept / except) my sincere apology?
3. The bride wanted yellow flowers on the (altar / alter) on her wedding day.
4. My hockey game is finally (all together / altogether), and we can go now.
5. In ancient times, a person would (break / brake) bread with others to show trust and friendship.
6. After crashing into Frank on my skateboard, I asked, "Are you (all right / alright)?"
7. My (advice / advise) is that you wear protective gloves when using bleach.
8. Do you think you can pick up some (meet / meat) for the barbecue?
9. Did Coach Crowe (advice / advise) the players to drink water during the game?
10. The (affects / effects) of the fire were catastrophic.

Week #3 Answers

Analogy answers
1. B - truthful is to deceptive
2. C- planet is to Mars
3. C- footbal is to pass
4. B- decorated is to adorned
5. B- falsehood is to truth
6. A- amuse is to entertain
7. A- mouse is to quiet
8. A- accept is to reject
9. C- sluggish is to slow
10. B- food is to carrot