Tuesday, August 9, 2016


Thank you to all those who took part in the summer blog this year. 
1. Answer
2. Erase
3. Several
4. Alabama

5. Macaroni
6. Nice
7. Centipede
8. Decline
9. Negative
10. Verse
11. Seal
12. Alley
13. Eye
14. Year
15. Architecture
16. Recipe
17. Perry

Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Week #8: Word Chain

Week #8: Word Chain
Directions: Use the last two letters of the previous word's answer to begin the next word. Continue throughout the chain. The first two have been done for you. Each is worth .2 X 15= 3 points (the first two don't count).
1. reply to- answer
2. rub out- erase
3. more than two but not many- ________
4. U.S. state who capital is Montgomery- _______
5. pasta formed into tubes- ________
6. opposite of naughty- ________
7. worm like animal with many pair of legs- _______
8. refuse- ________
9. antonym of positive- ________
10. stanza of a song- _______
11. close securely- __________
12. narrow lane between buildings- _________
13. organ of sight- ________
14. twelve months- ________
15. the designing of buildings- ________
16. directions for cooking a dish- ________
17. my last name- ___________

Week #7 Answers

Week #7 Answers
Since this was a writing challenge there are no answers, so instead, I have shared a fact from each participant's biography. Thank you to those who took the time and challenge.
1. Tiffany and Kaley are looking forward to watching Gabrielle Douglas's return to gymnastics in this year's Olympics. Who knew that she likes to knit and read in the little free time that she has?
2. Noah found out about Brad Atkins who is a high jumper and who interestingly grew up on a cotton farm.
3. Grace is interested in swimming, so she can't wait to see how Cammile Adams performs in Rio after a successful 2012 Olympics.
4. Johnathon is looking forward to LeBron James playing in his 4th Olympic games for the USA basketball team.
5. Zach is also looking forward to basketball and watching Kevin Durant's performance. He is hoping for another gold like in 2012.
6. Deven is excited to see how Molly Huddle does in track and field, especially since she is a Notre Dame graduate. 
7. Ben loves soccer, so he has his eye on Jozy Altidore who is a young male forward who won the US Soccer Male Athlete of the Year in 2013.
8. Maddy can't wait to see how Simone Biles does in gymnastics after winning 16 medals in 2012.
9. Finally, Zach thinks Paul George is one of the best defenders in the NBA today, so he should have a successful Olympics in Rio as well.

Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Week #7: Summer Olympics Team USA

Week #7: Summer Olympics Team USA
This week is another writing challenge. With the summer Olympics starting this week, I thought it would be interesting to do a little research paragraph. Visit http://www.teamusa.org/ and go to the "Athletes" tab. Choose an athlete from any sport. Read about him/her and then write a short paragraph about your chosen athlete. Your paragraph needs to be at least 7 sentences. You should have an introduction sentence (.5 points), 5 body sentences (.5 points), and a closing sentence (.5 points). You will also be graded on your details (2 points), and your grammar/conventions (1 point). Try to give a variety of information in your biography from physical facts, athletic facts, and personal facts. I look forward to what you discover about those who are representing our country in Rio. This activity is worth 4.5 bonus points. 

Week #6 Answers

Week #6 Answers
1. without her lucky charm
2. underneath her purse
3. at three o'clock
4. during the concert
5. around the block
6. on the top shelf
7. aboard the train
8. near the big dog
9. for her thirteenth birthday
10. in spite of the rainy weather

Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Week #6: Prepositions

Week #6: Prepositions
Read each sentence and identify the prepositional phrase in each. If you are a little rusty on prepositional phrases look them up or try this website to brush up on them. http://www.chompchomp.com/terms/prepositionalphrase.htm. Each sentence is worth .3 making this activity worth 3 bonus points. 
1. My sister has never gone anywhere without her lucky charm.
2. We found the missing bracelet underneath her purse.
3. Practice will begin at three o'clock, so don't be late.
4. During the concert, I screamed so much that I lost my voice.
5. Because she was looking for a Pokemon, she walked around the block.
6. Can you reach that book on the top shelf?
7. When the horn blew, the passengers climbed aboard the train.
8. The little girl was afraid to go near the big dog.
9. Her mom threw her a surprise party for her thirteenth birthday.
10. In spite of the rainy weather, the all-star baseball game continued to be played.

Week #5 Answers

Week #5 Answers
1. brake
2. later
3. lose
4. plain
5. loose
6. lead
7. principles
8. break
9. plane
10. latter

Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Week #5: Confused Words

Week #5: Confused Words
There are many words in the English language that can be confused based on sound, spelling, etc. Below are 10 sentences with frequently confused words. Read each sentence and choose the word that correctly completes each. Each is worth .3 making this challenge worth 3 bonus points. 
1. The student driver missed the (break/brake) with his foot.
2. We will be going (later/latter) than you to the movies.
3. You don't have anything to (lose/loose) so you might as well try.
4. My fashion taste is rather (plane/plain), and I don't like a lot of patterns.
5. We don't want the tigers to run (lose/loose) around the zoo.
6. The inspectors check for traces of (lead/led) in the water.
7. Follow these (principals/principles), and you will be a success.
8. Be careful not to (break/brake) the vase, or your parents will be furious.
9. The science teacher rolled the marble down the incline (plain/plane) for the experiment.
10. Henry thought the (later/latter) of the two reasons made more sense.

Week #4 Answers

Week #4 Answers
1. cacti
2. crises
3. appendices
4. oxen
5. memoranda
6. series
7. nebulae
8. hooves
9. mottoes
10. sisters-in-law

Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Week #4: Irregular Plurals

Week 4: Irregular Plurals
I have always been fascinated by words whose plurals don't add the regular "S." So this week, my challenge is to identify the plural form of each of the following words. Spelling will definitely count. This activity is worth .3 each, making this worth 3 bonus points. You may need to consult a dictionary or the Internet to find the answers.
1. cactus
2. crisis
3. appendix
4. ox
5. memorandum
6. series
7. nebula
8. hoof
9. motto
10. sister-in-law

Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Week #3 Answers

Week #3: Answers
Since there are no definitive answers, I decided to list one fun fact from each person who submitted 10 facts. Thank you to the few who participated in this challenge. 

1. Deven- "Harry S. Truman had no middle name. The 'S' was just an initial."
2. Olivia- "Lincoln was the first president who had a beard."
3. Noah- "Barack Obama has eaten dog meat, snake meat, and grasshoppers."
4. Ethan- "George H.W. Bush has a funky sock collection."
5. Tiffany- "Jefferson loved vanilla ice cream."
6. John- "Barack Obama has a collection of Spiderman comic books."

Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Week #3: United States President

Week #3: United States President
This week, the challenge is worth more but will take a little more effort. With the 4th of July coming up, I thought it would be an appropriate challenge to find out 10 facts about a past or current United States president. Do a little research and then write a "Top 10 List"  for your chosen president. Below are the stipulations and bonus points.
*Your 10 facts must each be a sentence of at least 8 words (Remember that names count as one word even with the last names attached. For example - Obama =1 word and Barack Obama= 1 word).
*Each fact must begin with a different word.
*Each fact is worth .4 making this challenge worth 4 bonus points. 

Week #2 Answers

Week #2 Answers: Thank you to all who participated. #7 was the most frequently missed because it had the helper "has." Below are the answers.
1. CS- Mr. Reynolds and Mr. Sing
2. CV- gives and donates
3. CV- plays and acts
4. CS- musicians and ushers
5. CS- clarinetists, flutists, and oboists
6. CV- vary and enrich
7. CV- has toured and has appeared
8. CS- symphony and concerto
9. CS- harp and piano
10. CV- plans and conducts

Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Week #2: Compound Subjects or Verbs

Read each sentence and decide whether it has a compound subject or verb. Write CS for a compound subject and CV for a compound verb. Then, list the compounds. For example, if the sentence was, "The boy and girl played outside," you would answer, CS- boy and girl. Each question is worth .3, making this week's activity worth 3 bonus points. 
1. Ms. Reynolds and Mr. Sing play in the local orchestra.
2. The orchestra gives concerts and also donates its services for charity events.
3. Mr. Sing plays the violin and acts as the concertmaster.
4. The musicians and ushers are volunteers.
5. Clarinetists, flutists, and oboists play in the woodwind section.
6. Percussion instruments such as drums vary and enrich the orchestra's sound.
7. The orchestra has toured our state and has appeared in several major cities.
8. Either a symphony or concerto is played during the orchestra's programs.
9. A harp or piano may be added to the orchestra in order to vary the selection.
10. Ms. Johnson plans the schedule and conducts the orchestra.

Week #1 Answers

Week #1 Answers: Thank you to all those of you who participated this first week. Number 8 was the trickiest since the entire verb had to be changed. Congratulations to Grace for earning a perfect 3.
1. will give = gave
2. will strike= struck
3. used= use
4. alternated= alternate
5. were= are
6. was= is
7. shared= will share
8. had= will
9. made= makes
10. give= will give

Wednesday, June 15, 2016


Below are 10 sentences with the wrong tense of verb. Write the verb that is used incorrectly in each sentence and correct it. Each question is worth .3, making this activity worth 3 bonus points. 
1. In the past, weather officials will give hurricanes the names of girls.
2. For example, Gloria, a very destructive storm, will strike in 1985.
3. Now, however, officials also used boys' names for the storms.
4. Today, they alternated boys' and girls' names in alphabetical order- for example, Alberto, Beryl, Chris, Debby, and Ernesto.
5. Which names were on the list this year?
6. My name, Wynona, was unlikely to be used.
7. Maybe someday my friend Zilpha and I shared our names with future hurricanes.
8. Had the weather officials use all of the names by 2020?
9. Naming hurricanes made them seem alive, doesn't it?
10. Perhaps officials give hurricanes numbers someday.