Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Summer Blog 2017: WEEK #1- Sentence Types

SENTENCE TYPES=3 bonus points (.2X15)
SECTION #1-This week's challenge is to identify each of the following sentences as declarative, interrogative, imperative, or exclamatory. Each sentence can only be one type of sentence. I have omitted the end marks in order make this more of a challenge.
1. Look carefully at the photograph to the right of the text
2. How did the photograph manage to capture such an unusual shot
3. What amazing use of light in the photograph
4. Photographers study for years to learn how to use light effectively
5. What skills these types of artists possess
6. Observe the shapes of the objects in the picture
7. What do you think they could possibly be
8. Photos likes this taken in such darkness create an eerie feeling
9. Have you ever considered studying photography
10. I think you have a talent for capturing interesting moments on film
SECTION #2- Now take the 5 sentences and rewrite them according to the sentence type indicated after each sentence. 
11. A camera is an expensive piece of equipment. (change to an interrogative)
12. You might find it interesting to take a class on photography in high school. (change to an imperative)
13. Doesn't photography look like a challenging yet interesting profession? (change to a declarative)
14. Some photographers capture unusual moments. (change to an exclamatory)
15. Every photographer's salary is a little different based on his/her talent. (change to an interrogative)