Tuesday, July 10, 2018



Read each sentence and place the commas where needed. Some sentences may require more than one comma. When sending me the answers, rather than retype the entire sentence, you can type the word and then the comma. Each sentence is worth .3, making this activity worth 3 bonus points. 
1. We brought sandwiches chips and drinks to the picnic.
2. The hot humid weather made everyone irritable.
3. We practiced all week for the softball game yet we still made mistakes.
4. Our family garage sale on the other hand did very well.
5. Oh I should mention that I made the most money at the sale.
6.Over the weekend we went to a movie got some pizza and even got Blizzards at Dairy Queen.
7. I have been able to read a book and I cleaned my room from top to bottom.
8. Since it is summer vacation I have been sleeping in most mornings.
9. On July 20 2018 we will leave for Orlando Florida.
10. Summer vacation is halfway over but I hope the rest of it won't go by too quickly.