Monday, July 6, 2009

Week 2 and 3 Answers

Week 2:
1. bees = S flew = P
2. boys and girls = S splashed = P
3. roller coaster = S can be = P
4. Disney World = S is = P
5. fireworks = S explode = P
6. Bike riding and swimming = S are = P
7. America's Got Talent = S starts = P
8. students = S read = P
9. Beaches and waterparks = S fill = P
10. flip flops and sandals = S keep = P

Week 3:
1. Declarative
2. Imperative
3. Declarative
4. Interrogative
5. Exclamatory
6. Interrogative
7. Declarative
8. Imperative
9. Exclamatory
10. Imperative