I hope your summer vacation is going well already. I am spending the first week learning how to be a better teacher. The days are very long (8-5), and I am looking forward to starting my summer next week. This first week is a word challenge. The words you create must be at least 3 letters in length. Going from A-Z, can you think of a word for each letter that begins and ends with the same letter. How about aqua for the letter "A"? Or river for the letter "R"? You only need one word per letter and they may not be proper words like America for "A." You may do all 26 letters of the alphabet, or you can do as many as you want. You will receive points for however many you can make. You may earn up to 3.9 bonus points (each is worth .15). I look forward to you hearing from you this first week. Good luck!