Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Week #4: Homophones

There are words that sound the same but are spelled differently. These are called homophones. Read each sentence and fill them in with a homophone. The sentences are done in pairs. Each set of two sentences share a homophone. Each is worth .25 = 3 bonus points total.

1. I don't know ______________ I put my shoes when I came home from practice.

2. For the wedding, the bridesmaids are going to _______________ gorgeous violet gowns.

3. To be bold, she dyed her ___________ bright blue.

4. Some people don't call a bunny a rabbit, they call it a __________.

5. If you drink ____________, it can help soothe a sore throat.

6. I don't want to go golfing, because I have to ___________ off at 6A.M.

7. Look over _____________. I think I see a deer in the woods.

8. Stephanie had to watch ____________ dog, because they went on vacation.

9. The only _____________ he will eat is chicken.

10. Let's ______________ for dinner at 7:00P.M. at Hacienda.

11. On their first date, Jen got a beautiful rose _____________ from Felix.

12. Because I did not add the _____________, the cookies did not rise.