Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Week #2: Sentence Types

Since last week's challenge was open ended and there were many possible answers, there are no definitive answers to post this week. I commend those who branched out into other languages. I never specified that it had to be English words. Nicely done!

This week is another open ended challenge. There are 4 basic sentence types. Declaratives are statements that end with a period; imperatives are commands and end with periods or exclamation points; interrogatives are questions and end with question marks; and exclamatories are emotional statements and end with exclamation points. Can you write two of each type of sentence? You must label them according to their sentence type and each sentence must contain at least 10 words. The theme of your sentences is SUMMER (what else would it be?) Good luck and I look forward to your creative summer-themed sentences.