Monday, July 20, 2009


Antecedents are the words that the pronouns refer to in a sentence. Read each sentence and identify the antecedents for each underlined pronoun. This activity is worth .25 X 10= 2.5 bonus points.

1.The ride was broken so it was shut down for the day.

2. After eating his cotton candy, the toddler's hands were a sticky mess.

3. As the band played, they threw out free t-shirts to the fans.

4. Because the soda cost three dollars for a small drink, Max chose not to buy it.

5. While playing the dart throwing game, Sophia popped the balloon and won herself a stuffed dog.

6. During the bumper car ride, Mara got hit so badly she had a headache for the rest of the day.

7. With the spinning ride coming to a stop, Charles knew he was going to be sick.

8. In the Funhouse, Mary and Meghan got lost in the maze of mirrors and it took them thirty minutes to find their way out.

9. At the end of the day, the family was sweaty, exhausted, and broke from their long day at the park.

10. Jenny was excited she won a giant white tiger, but she had no idea how it would fit in her car.