Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Week #9: Answers

Thank you to all those who participated in the summer blog this year. I hope it helped keep up your skills. I look forward to seeing you all on Tuesday, August 23, 2011.

1. Adjective 8. Adjective

2. Adverb 9. Adverb

3. Adjective 10. Adjective

4. Adverb 11. Adjective

5. Adjective 12. Adverb

6. Adjective 13. Adjective

7. Adverb 14. Adjective

15. Adverb

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Week #9: Adjective or Adverb



Adjectives are describing words that tell which one, what kind, or how many. The modify nouns and pronouns.

Adverbs are describing words that tell when, where, why, how, and to what extent. They modify verbs, adjectives, and other adverbs.

Directions: Tell whether the underlined word is an adjective or adverb. Each is worth .2 X 15 = 3 bonus points.

1. Those adventurous roller coaster riders rode the Dragster ten times.

2. She looked closely so she could see the tiny numbers on the page.

3. Knowing that she had two weeks left of vacation, the depressed girl couldn't help but be a couch potato for the day.

4. Suddenly, my phone slipped from my fingers and shattered to pieces on the hard floor.

5. The thousand piece puzzle took several weeks to finish.

6. Her gorgeous, bedazzled wedding dress followed behind the nervous bride.

7. In the sweltering summer heat, her popsicle melted instantly.

8. For a millisecond, John believed his fibbing friend who said his family won a million dollars.

9. Some of her collectible elephants broke when she accidentally knocked them off the shelf with her sweater.

10. The avid reader was disappointed when he found out his favorite character died at the end of the book.

11. Since their parents went to a grown-up meeting, the kids got to order a delicious pepperoni pizza.

12. If you hurry up, we will only be slightly late for the movie.

13. That pattern you picked out for your new bedspread is bright and cute.

14. The radiant sun on the beach is so strong, you need to wear SPF50.

15. Did you know that Jacky and Nicky have been best friends forever?

Week #8: Answers

Week #8: Answers (The subject is listed first and the predicate is listed second)

1. vacation / breezed

2. cookies / taste

3. cake / was covered

4. puppy / learned

5. family / got

6. Tabitha / will travel

7. he / stopped

8. Claire / collected

9. puzzle / has

10. Liam / hit

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Week #8: Simple subjects and simple predicates

Week #7: Update- A shout out goes to Monica for her amazing use of word choice. Everyone did a nice job of describing their dream vacations. I hope you get to experience them someday.

Week #8: Simple Subjects and Simple Predicates
Directions: Read each sentence and decide the simple subject and simple predicate or each. Remember that some predicates have helping verbs. Please list the subject first and the predicate second in the answers you send me. Each is worth .15 X 20 = 3 bonus points total.
1. Summer vacation breezed right by me.
2. Although they are not good for you, chocolate chip cookies taste delicious.
3. Her birthday cake was covered in butter cream frosting.
4. The puppy learned how to sit on command.
5. Over the summer, his family got a brand new car.
6. On Friday, Tabitha will travel to Florida for a long weekend.
7. Since he was running late, he stopped at Starbucks for breakfast.
8. While on the beach, Claire collected tons of seashells.
9. That puzzle has one thousand pieces to it.
10. During his baseball game, Liam hit a homerun.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Week #7: Dream Vacation

Greetings from Boyne Michigan! This week I am spending time with my family in Boyne Michigan. We have one big room for all 12 of us. It is crowded but fun. On Friday, I will be ziplining. I know it will be scary, but I hope it will be fun too. You'll know I have survived if I post a Week #8. :)

For your activity this week, I would like you to write a short paragraph (5 to 7 sentences) about your dream summer vacation. I know many of you won't have the chance to vacation away from home, so this is your chance to plan an amazing vacation where money is no object. You can focus on one aspect of your vacation, like the hotel, the plane ride, or the place, or you could give a summary of the whole trip. It's up to you. Be as creative and extravagant as you wish to be. I look forward to reading them when I get back from my vacation.

Week #6 Answers

Here are week #6's answers.
1. Harrison's 2. flowers' 3. boyfriend's
4. baby's 5. bottle's 6. children's
7. dog's 8. deer's 9. siblings'
10. clock's 11. officer's 12. lake's
Thanks to all who participated.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Week #6: Apostrophes


Apostrophes can be confusing. You use 'S when it is a singular item/person owning an item/items; while S' is used when it is a plural item/person owning an item/items. Watch out for words whose plural is irregular, like children. Then the plural is'S. Good luck with the following. The word in parentheses is the one that needs the appopriate apostrophe. You may also have to make the word plural first. Each is worth .25 X 12= 3 bonus points

1. ________________ (Harrison) hair got so long he could put it in a ponytail.

2. Did you see those _________________ (flower) petals scattered on the table?

3. She is sad because her ___________________ (boyfriend) family is moving to Georgia at the end of the month.

4. The newborn ________________ (baby) feet and hands are super tiny.

5. When the _______________ (bottle) cap fell in the dirt, I threw it in the trash.

6. Those ________________ (child) bellies ache from eating too much chocolate candy.

7. Sometimes the ______________ (dog) fur sheds all over the couch.

8. In the woods the ________________ (deer) babies ate the grass.

9. Although his two ________________ (sibling) eyes are blue, his are brown.

10. When the __________________ (clock) hands are on the 12, you must be in bed.

11. The police ______________ (officer) lights flashed in my rear view mirror.

12. At the beach, the ______________ (lake) waves ruined their sandcastle.

Week #5: Answers

1. ponies 2. girls

3. diagnoses 4. geese

5. papers 6. watches

7. moose 8. ninjas or ninja

9. parties 10. people or persons

11. platypuses or platypi

12. lives 13. scissors

14. horses 15. poppies

16. texts 17. monkeys

18. peaches 19. deer

20. cacti

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Week #5: Plurals

This week's challenge is plurals. Some words become plural by adding s, es, ies, etc. Can you change these singulars to plurals? Each is worth .15 X 20 = 3 total bonus points

1. pony

2. girl

3. diagnosis

4. goose

5. paper

6. watch

7. moose

8. ninja

9. party

10. person

11. platypus

12. life

13. scissors

14. horse

15. poppy

16. text

17. monkey

18. peach

19. deer

20. cactus

Week #4: Answers

Last week's challenge of homophones was pretty easy. The majority of you got a perfect 3. Here are the answers.

1. Where

2. Wear
3. Hair

4. Hare

5. Tea

6. Tee

7. There

8. Their

9. Meat

10. Meet

11. Flower

12. Flour

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Week #4: Homophones

There are words that sound the same but are spelled differently. These are called homophones. Read each sentence and fill them in with a homophone. The sentences are done in pairs. Each set of two sentences share a homophone. Each is worth .25 = 3 bonus points total.

1. I don't know ______________ I put my shoes when I came home from practice.

2. For the wedding, the bridesmaids are going to _______________ gorgeous violet gowns.

3. To be bold, she dyed her ___________ bright blue.

4. Some people don't call a bunny a rabbit, they call it a __________.

5. If you drink ____________, it can help soothe a sore throat.

6. I don't want to go golfing, because I have to ___________ off at 6A.M.

7. Look over _____________. I think I see a deer in the woods.

8. Stephanie had to watch ____________ dog, because they went on vacation.

9. The only _____________ he will eat is chicken.

10. Let's ______________ for dinner at 7:00P.M. at Hacienda.

11. On their first date, Jen got a beautiful rose _____________ from Felix.

12. Because I did not add the _____________, the cookies did not rise.

Week #3 Answers

1. I

2. Michigan


4. German

5. Pixar

6. Sony

7. American

8. YouTube

9. Crayola

10. Uncle

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Week #3: Capitalization

Since last week was another open ended week, there are no answers. A shout out goes out to Pirie for her exceptional sentences. She had superb word choice. Thank you to all those who participated this past week. Nicely done!

This week the challenge is to find the word in each sentence that needs to be capitalized. There is only one in each sentence. Each sentence is worth .25 X 10 = 2.5 total.

1. Did you know that i love to listen to music on my iPod?

2. Those michigan peaches are perfectly sweet and ripe.

3. going on vacation to Florida is typical for many people each year.

4. For her birthday she is getting a new german sheperd puppy.

5. Are you planning on going to the new pixar movie this weekend?

6. Their family is going to buy a huge sony TV for their family room.

7. You should put up an american flag on the 4th of July.

8. Over the summer, she watched lots of videos on youtube.

9. From experience, I can attest that crayola crayons are better than Rose Art.

10. My dad and uncle Joe are going fishing this Saturday.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Week #2: Sentence Types

Since last week's challenge was open ended and there were many possible answers, there are no definitive answers to post this week. I commend those who branched out into other languages. I never specified that it had to be English words. Nicely done!

This week is another open ended challenge. There are 4 basic sentence types. Declaratives are statements that end with a period; imperatives are commands and end with periods or exclamation points; interrogatives are questions and end with question marks; and exclamatories are emotional statements and end with exclamation points. Can you write two of each type of sentence? You must label them according to their sentence type and each sentence must contain at least 10 words. The theme of your sentences is SUMMER (what else would it be?) Good luck and I look forward to your creative summer-themed sentences.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011


I hope your summer vacation is going well already. I am spending the first week learning how to be a better teacher. The days are very long (8-5), and I am looking forward to starting my summer next week. This first week is a word challenge. The words you create must be at least 3 letters in length. Going from A-Z, can you think of a word for each letter that begins and ends with the same letter. How about aqua for the letter "A"? Or river for the letter "R"? You only need one word per letter and they may not be proper words like America for "A." You may do all 26 letters of the alphabet, or you can do as many as you want. You will receive points for however many you can make. You may earn up to 3.9 bonus points (each is worth .15). I look forward to you hearing from you this first week. Good luck!