Adjectives are describing words that tell which one, what kind, or how many. The modify nouns and pronouns.
Adverbs are describing words that tell when, where, why, how, and to what extent. They modify verbs, adjectives, and other adverbs.
Directions: Tell whether the underlined word is an adjective or adverb. Each is worth .2 X 15 = 3 bonus points.
1. Those adventurous roller coaster riders rode the Dragster ten times.
2. She looked closely so she could see the tiny numbers on the page.
3. Knowing that she had two weeks left of vacation, the depressed girl couldn't help but be a couch potato for the day.
4. Suddenly, my phone slipped from my fingers and shattered to pieces on the hard floor.
5. The thousand piece puzzle took several weeks to finish.
6. Her gorgeous, bedazzled wedding dress followed behind the nervous bride.
7. In the sweltering summer heat, her popsicle melted instantly.
8. For a millisecond, John believed his fibbing friend who said his family won a million dollars.
9. Some of her collectible elephants broke when she accidentally knocked them off the shelf with her sweater.
10. The avid reader was disappointed when he found out his favorite character died at the end of the book.
11. Since their parents went to a grown-up meeting, the kids got to order a delicious pepperoni pizza.
12. If you hurry up, we will only be slightly late for the movie.
13. That pattern you picked out for your new bedspread is bright and cute.
14. The radiant sun on the beach is so strong, you need to wear SPF50.
15. Did you know that Jacky and Nicky have been best friends forever?