Monday, August 10, 2009


We have finally made it to the last week. Before I post the questions for this week, I just wanted to remind all 6,7, and 8th graders that you will need a 3 subject notebook with a plastic cover for my class. Somehow, that notebook only made it on the 6th grade list, but all three grades will need one. I thought you should know since there are so many sales going on this week.

Now for the final activity. This week the topic is possessives. I have given you a very awkward but grammatically correct statement. You need to shorten it by turning it into a possessive. In the following phrase, for example, the tail of the dog would be changed to the dog's tail. If you have questions, let me know. Otherwise, this activity is worth .25 X 12 = 3 bonus points. Good luck and enjoy your last week of vacation. I know I will.

1. The purse of Molly =

2. The uniforms worn by the students =

3. The car owned by Mork =

4. The smiles of the family in the picture =

5. The houses of the neighborhood =

6. The jobs of the workers =

7. The music on the iPod =

8. The determination of the baseball players =

9. The fights of the sisters =

10. The flowers of the garden =

11. The summer blog provide by Miss Perry =

12. The bonus points of the middle schoolers =

Week 8's Answers

Last week was prepositions. It was a bit tougher, but 27 of you took the challenge. Here are the answers.

1. in

2. on

3. under

4. at

5. over

6. above

7. for

8. by

9. through

10. inside

Monday, August 3, 2009


Prepositions often help describe which one, what kind, how many, where, and when for an item or event. They are generally very small words like "of" or "to." Read each sentence and identify the preposition in each. Each is worth .2 X 10 = 2 bonus points.

1. The book in the bag is due today.

2. On August 19th, school will begin.

3. That gift under the tree is fragile.

4. All meetings take place at the main office.

5. You can place all donations over there.

6. A pesky fly flew above our heads.

7. Unfortunately, the party for him has been cancelled.

8. Your shoes are sitting by the door.

9. Wind blew through the window cooling the room.

10. Since it was storming, the kids were inside the house.

Week 7 Answers

Thanks to the 32 participants last week. Only a few knew that fair skin was spelled with an "ai" combination. Most of you thought it was fare. Fare refers to the amount it costs to ride a bus or a train. I see a Weekly Reminder in the future. What do you think?

1. Pair

2. Seen

3. Wait

4. Deer

5. Hear

6. Meat

7. See

8. Fair

9. Bare

10. Write

11. Wear

12. Whole

Monday, July 27, 2009

Week 7 Homophones

This week's challenge is homophones. Which word correctly completes each sentence. This activity is worth .2X12= 2.4 bonus points.
1.I'm not sure which (pair / pear) of shoes to wear for the wedding.
2. Do you know why she has (scene / seen) that movie five times?
3. If you (wait / weight) ten minutes, I'll go with you.
4. Be careful when driving in wooded areas because you could hit a (dear / deer).
5. Sometimes I can't (here / hear) people when they call me on their cellphones.
6. That (meet / meat) will spoil if you leave it out too long.
7. When you (sea / see) the second gas station, turn left at the next stop sign.
8. With my (fair / fare) skin, I have to be careful in the sun or I'll burn.
9. During the summer, many people walk around in (bear / bare) feet.
10. It was such a disappointment when my pen wouldn't (write / right) and Tom Welling was just about to give me an autograph.
11. (Where / Wear) your most comfortable clothes during the long car ride.
12. You have just finished the (whole / hole) bonus activity for Week 7.

Week 6's Answers

Thanks to the 29 participants. The majority of you did a fantastic job. Antecedents must be pretty easy.

1. ride

2. toddler

3. band

4. soda

5. Sophia

6. Mara

7. Charles

8. Mary and Meghan

9. family

10. tiger

Monday, July 20, 2009


Antecedents are the words that the pronouns refer to in a sentence. Read each sentence and identify the antecedents for each underlined pronoun. This activity is worth .25 X 10= 2.5 bonus points.

1.The ride was broken so it was shut down for the day.

2. After eating his cotton candy, the toddler's hands were a sticky mess.

3. As the band played, they threw out free t-shirts to the fans.

4. Because the soda cost three dollars for a small drink, Max chose not to buy it.

5. While playing the dart throwing game, Sophia popped the balloon and won herself a stuffed dog.

6. During the bumper car ride, Mara got hit so badly she had a headache for the rest of the day.

7. With the spinning ride coming to a stop, Charles knew he was going to be sick.

8. In the Funhouse, Mary and Meghan got lost in the maze of mirrors and it took them thirty minutes to find their way out.

9. At the end of the day, the family was sweaty, exhausted, and broke from their long day at the park.

10. Jenny was excited she won a giant white tiger, but she had no idea how it would fit in her car.


Thanks to the 29 participants this last week. We even had a couple of new participants. I hope everyone's summer is going well. The answers to the plurals can be found below.

1. glasses

2. teeth

3. deer

4. words

5. data

6. potatoes

7. matches

8. sheep

9. flies

10. selves

11. lunches

12. parties

13. information

14. dice

15. runways

16. cloths or clothes

17. loaves

18. people but sometimes persons

19. feet

20. berries

Monday, July 13, 2009

Week 5's Activity

This week we have some practice with plurals. I will give you the singular form of a word and you will give me the plural. Spelling must be correct in order to receive credit. Also, please don't look the answers up. Try to do it on your own. Thanks!

There are 2 bonus points possible. Each is worth .1 of a point.

1. glass

2. tooth

3. deer

4. word

5. datum

6. potato

7. match

8. sheep

9. fly

10. self

11. lunch

12. party

13. information

14. die

15. runway

16. cloth

17. loaf

18. person

19. foot

20. berry

Week 4 Answers

Well another week gone. Summer seems to be slipping away. This week we had 26 participants. The answers were as follows.

1. Toy Story = Italics
2. Tom and Jerry = Italics
3. Far Away = Quotes
4. Sunday Afternoon ....= Italics
5. The Road Not Taken = Quotes
6. The Great Sadness = Quotes
7. Thriller = Quotes
8. The Raven = Quotes
9. Elf = Italics
10.Live at Madison Square Garden = Italics
11. You are My Sunshine = Quotes
12. The Love Boat = Italics

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Point Correction

It has been brought to my attention that last week's activity was worth 2.5 bonus points and not 2. Therefore, if you earned 2 points you really earned 2.5 points. Otherwise, take the number you got right times .25 and you will have your correct total. If you are confused, please feel free to e-mail me and I will tell you your new total.

Monday, July 6, 2009

Week 4 - Italics and Quotations

We had the biggest number of participators so far. Thanks to the 29 who did last week's sentence type activity.

As for this week's, I must apologize for the delay in posting this week's activity. I am remodeling a room and the holiday interrupted my plans to jump online and post. Therefore, although it is a day late, here it is. This week, you will need to tell whether the underlined title needs to be italicized or put in quotes. Remember big works are italicized and little works are put in quotes. All together the activity is worth 2.4 points with each question being worth .2.

1. One of my favorite Pixar movies is Toy Story.

2. A cartoon that always makes me laugh is Tom and Jerry.

3. I've listened to the song Far Away by Nickelback at least a hundred times.

4. The painting Sunday Afternoon on the Island of La Grande Jatte amazes me everytime I look at it.

5. In life, I try to live by the message of Robert Frost's poem The Road Not Taken.

6. Long chapters are common in the book The Shack with The Great Sadness being one of the longest.

7. With Michael Jackson's death, his most famous songs, like Thriller, will never be forgotten.

8. Whenever I hear or read the poem The Raven by Edgar Allen Poe, I think of Halloween.

9. At Christmas time, I love to laugh and watch the movie Elf with Will Ferrell.

10. Since Michael Buble is one of my favorite singers, I should want to buy his new album Live at Madison Square Garden but I'm not since all of the songs I already own.

11. As a child and an adult, I like the song You are my Sunshine.

12. When I was a little girl, I wanted to be on the TV show The Love Boat, because I always wanted to take a cruise.

Good luck!

Week 2 and 3 Answers

Week 2:
1. bees = S flew = P
2. boys and girls = S splashed = P
3. roller coaster = S can be = P
4. Disney World = S is = P
5. fireworks = S explode = P
6. Bike riding and swimming = S are = P
7. America's Got Talent = S starts = P
8. students = S read = P
9. Beaches and waterparks = S fill = P
10. flip flops and sandals = S keep = P

Week 3:
1. Declarative
2. Imperative
3. Declarative
4. Interrogative
5. Exclamatory
6. Interrogative
7. Declarative
8. Imperative
9. Exclamatory
10. Imperative

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Week 3 - Sentence Types

As you know there are four types of sentences (declarative, imperative, interrogative, and exclamatory). Read the following sentence and identify each as one of the four types. This activity is worth 2.5 bonus points (each is worth .25).

1. The heat made all the travelers agitated.
2. Don't exert yourself when it's very hot outside.
3. Swimming in the pool cooled everyone off yesterday.
4. Did you see that under the shade of the tree, the chipmunk took a nap?
5. Holy Moly! You could fry an egg on the sidewalk it's so hot!
6. Aren't you tired of the sticky, humid weather?
7. Sitting in an air conditioned house all day can become pretty boring.
8. Even if it's hot, go outside and play for a little bit each day.
9. Phew! I started to sweat as soon as I walked out of the house!
10. Drink plenty of water throughout the hot day to stay hydrated.

Good luck and I will post the answers for last week in a day or so. I have a few people who need to e-mail me the simple subjects and predicates and then I will post the answers. Thanks to the 23 who did last week's challenge.

Miss Perry

Monday, June 22, 2009

Week 1 Answers

I didn't even think to post the first week's answers.

1. vacation
2. beach
3. sunshine
4. baseball
5. fireworks
6. swimming
7. picnic
8. mosquitos
9. weddings
11. gardening
12. flipflops

Thanks to all 23 who participated. Hopefully even more of you will participate in week 2

Miss Perry

Week 2- Subjects and Verbs

This week's challenge is subjects and verbs. There are ten sentence and each has a subject and a predicate (often referred to as the verb). Be careful! Some sentences have compound subjects and/or predicates. The activity is worth 4 bonus points (.2 for the subject(s) and .2 for the predicate(s)) Good luck and don't forget to e-mail your answers to
1. The busy bees flew from bud to bud.
2. After the rain, the boys and girls splashed in the puddles.
3. A roller coaster can be thrilling but sometimes scary to ride.
4. Disney World is a common destination for summer vacation.
5. On the Fourth of July, fireworks explode in the sky.
6. Bike riding and swimming are excellent forms of exercise.
7. America's Got Talent starts this week to identify the most talented person or group.
8. Even though there is no school, students read books and magazines to pass the time.
9. Beaches and water parks fill with families all summer.
10. Instead of heavy tennis shoes, flip flops and sandals keep feet cooler on hot days.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

1st Week's Activity

This week I have created a summer themed word scramble. Just unscramble the summer related words and you could earn as much as 3 bonus points. Don't forget to e-mail me your response to

1. caaivnot

2. aebch

3. nusnhies

4. esbablal

5. rsrfkweoi

6. gwmimsin

7. ipiccn

8. ooqutsmsi

9. esiwgddn

10. eusacrbbe

11. ingedargn

12. pfifsllop

Friday, June 5, 2009

This is the summer packet for language arts this year. Each week, I will post a new activity or questions to be answered. If you participate, you will e-mail me your answers and receive bonus points to start the new school year. I hope to hear from all of you, so you can all start with an A++ at the beginning of the year.

Miss Perry